Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Post

Thoughts on paper are just words, but thoughts not told are just useless.

I'm starting this by complete fate. It started because I was looking for some lyrics to a song and ended up finding a blog I loved from this site. So I decided to write my own, if nothing else for my own entertainment. Well about me? I'm only in highschool but I want to be an author and I'm definatly going to try. I've often thought about blogging, not nessacarily to share my stories with others but just because as a born author phrases and words are my only defense in this world and I could either let them entierly consume me or I just need to write them out. Well this is my first attempt at writing them out. I'll try and keep this updated and comments from readers would probably encourage that. :) Well this was a pathetic attempt at my first blog, but in some way I'm satisfied.

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