Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Nights Post

Blogging just to say hey really (you know, for all the people who take time to read this haha). Actually I've got a miserable head ache and typing just seemed soothing at the moment. Hmm I have homework from when I was sick that would more than likely be better if it was done but just the same I'd rather put it off :) So today's a monday.. utterly boring for me. Not even sure what to bore you with today.. I feel like writing though so I should work on the pieces I've been trying to put together in the past few .. oh months. Hah.. I honestly wish I could skip the rest of high school and just go to college. I know what I want to be why am I wasting my time here? But I suppose I kind of need the things I'm learning here. So do to do.. Im unbalieveably at a loss of words today..Im waiting for my ex to come over, not that I even feel like seeing him or have the time to but just the same he text and said Im bored and I figured Im bored to so hell why not? Facebook is unbalieveably quiet tonight (probably because most people have lives at 6:44PM) which is making it difficult to procrastinate my homework and cleaning my room which is driving me nuts because it's messy. Well if you've made it this far in this pointless escapade Im calling Monday Nights Post well grab a cookie and reward yourself because this post is so boring Im not entirely sure that I'll make it thought proof-reading it. ...So Im listening to my ipod and "what hurts the most- rascal flatts" is on ...I like this song.. never realized that before. But my sisters left and my dads out so it's just me and my mom tonight so I think I'll go chat with her because I havnt said much to her in the past few days .. so Ill do that atleast untill the ex and current best friend gets here. But if you made it to the end of this well then you are a far better person than me because Im not even going to proof this because im afraid i may just click cancel because its that boring! Thanks for dealing with my boring posts! Maybe tommorow I'll act like Indiana-Jones so I have some adventures to tell :)

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